They Want Us Dead
The Republican Party seeks nothing less than the detransition or mass murder of all Trans people in America.
The Republican Party seeks nothing less than the detransition or mass murder of all Trans people in America.
They believe we are fallen brothers and sisters who have rejected decency and are undeserving of respect. They believe we exist as traps to lure them in with our appearances and defile them with our repulsive genitalia. They believe we are rapists who lurk in their bathrooms to prey on them and their wives and daughters. Worst of all, they believe that we are abominations who seek to groom their children into becoming trans like us, like a plague that consumes all it touches.
Once upon a time they tolerated us. We were their freak show, to be laughed at and forgotten. They beat off to us in private, then beat and mocked us in public. No more. We stood up for ourselves. We demanded respect. They cannot tolerate this. It is one thing to watch a freakshow and feel superior. It is another for the freak to say that they are equal. For if this is so, then are you not a freak? They need someone to look down on. Their sense of worth demands it.
To this end they plan to destroy us and every trace that we existed. For if we are left as we are, we might infect their children with sin. If this means turning every trans person into a social outcast, forced out from their community, they will. If this means banning any knowledge of us from their children, they will. If this means banning us from wearing the clothing we prefer, they will. If this means banning the hormones that make our lives tolerable, they will. If that means rounding us and forcibly detransitioning us through surgery and psychological and physical abuse, they will. If that means rounding us up off the street and from our homes and hanging us from the nearest lamppost, they will. They will not stop until the San Francisco Bay runs red with faggot blood.
The only appropriate reactions to this are to run or to fight. By run, I mean escaping from the United States, and by fight, I mean laying your life on the line for the rights of others.
Whatever you choose, do it soon, ideally before the 2024 election. As of writing, the Democrats have no chance of holding on to power, and that’s before the stock market is expected to crash in the next year, or interest rates rise, raising the cost of nearly everything. The most likely future president is Ron DeSantis, whose entire career is based on the subjugation of Queers in his state. As president, he would bring his hate upon us all, leaving us at the mercy of a Christian Fascist. No amount of Pink Pussyhats will save us.
If you choose to run, find a country which is tolerable to trans people and emigrate there. If that fails, wait until American Trans people are so persecuted that you are eligible for refugee status in Western European countries, as will almost certainly happen.
If you choose to fight, start preparing immediately. Get yourself armed, get trained with your weapons, and get organized with others like you. Lone wolves only change the world in stories, the real changes come from forces that unite in large numbers. I am no expert in combat, so I cannot give proper advice. However, organizations like the Socialist Rifle Association and the John Brown Gun Club are good places to start.
Whatever you do, don’t ignore this. You have a right to a dignified life, and that is being stripped away from you. I do not want to see your name on some monument of the dead, a blip in a sea of unfinished stories. You deserve better. You deserve to be remembered.
The end of peace is coming. Trans people are to the 21st century as Jews were to the 20th, and we cannot forget that.